My Story
Almost 3 years ago, I moved to Northern Virginia to be with MJ. At that point, I knew I wanted to be a wedding photographer, but also knew that doing that was not a logical choice. So, in the mean time, I worked at a high school and then an elementary school to then come home and work at my dream job. If you ask MJ, those years were rough. I was stressed, sad, and so alone or so I thought…
When I first heard about Rising Tide Society, I didn’t think much of it because who was I to call myself a creative or “boss lady”. I decided to join the Facebook group though, and from there I joined the local Rising Tide Society Facebook group for creatives in my area. I quickly learned that every second Tuesday of the month these creatives would meet to talk about their businesses! Now, I just needed to get the courage to attend one of these meetings.
Well, each month would pass, and each second Tuesday, I would tell MJ, “I’m going to go. This is the month.” I did this for almost a year, and the second Tuesday in February 2017, I drove to Panera, sat in my car (almost didn’t go in), and then finally walked my butt into the building and somehow that night changed my business and my life forever.
Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous, I felt awkward, and I immediately wanted to go hide in a corner or drive away. I’m not someone who loves talking to strangers or opening up to people who I thought had it all together in their business because I certainly did not. The meeting started though, and honestly, I have no idea what we talked about, but I met my very best friend that night and that’s how my business and life changed. Not only because of her, but because slowly, over time I grew to meet so many amazing people!
I realized that night that I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t the only one who fought the battle of comparison, struggled with the lie of social media, who didn’t have it all together. And I also realized that from this group of people, I could grow and learn new things about myself and my business. It was truly eye opening and such a weight off my shoulders to know that I had people to connect with that truly understood.
We as individuals have our highs and lows in our businesses, but together we can grow and lift ourselves and others. It’s truly community over competition.
If you’re a new creative looking for other creatives to connect with, follow these steps to change your business and be a part of The Rising Tide Society:
- Go to this website to join Rising Tide Society. (After you are accepted, you can do the following steps!)
- Log into Facebook, and search “Rising Tide Society”.
- Ask to join the group.
- Now, go to this website to find your local Tuesday’s Together Facebook Group.
- Ask to join the group.
- Once you are accepted into the group, be brave and introduce yourself! (I know you rather not, but do it anyway!)
- Then, find out when and where the next meeting will be.
- Put it on your calendar and GO! (This is SO important because calendars for some reason really hold you accountable!)
- Once you are there, it’s going to feel weird (mostly for my introverted friends like myself out there)! But introduce yourself, people will want to know more about you, I promise!
- Now, follow the steps below to make the most of your time!
9 Ways To Make The Most Out of Your Next Tuesday’s Together Meeting
- Before the meeting, if you have time, take a look at the guide that comes out each month. This guide goes hand in hand with what is going to be discussed at the meeting. You’ll find valuable content and when you’re at the meeting you have valuable content to contribute to others!
- Bring paper, pen, and some business cards! For the business cards, I love checking out people’s work after the meeting and I also weirdly love business cards! (Don’t feel like you have to by any means, we have phones and you know we all have Instagram… our own virtual business card! You’ll find a way to connect one way or another!)
- Go to the meeting 10-15 minutes early! This time is so nice to meet more people and it really helps with the nerves!
- Make sure to always introduce yourself to a new face. New or old member, you’ll find a face you don’t recognize. That person is just as nervous as you are, so be the one to break the ice! You’ll both be thankful that you did!
- Once the meeting starts, don’t be afraid to talk! I promise, no one is judging you! Bring up points you read in the guide, things you’ve learned in your own experience. You have a lot to give to this group- a different perspective. Share it!
- Always ask questions! This time is literally the time to ask any and all questions! (If you want, you can even think about questions to ask before hand… If I hadn’t just thought of this idea, I would have totally done this!) You are in a meet up with creatives of ALL levels, definitely ask your questions! You’ll be able to apply these answers to your business.
- You are not only meeting new amazing creatives, but you are learning new and free education! Take the time to listen, give your thoughts, and ask questions! Most of all, just be you!
- If you weren’t able to make it early, make sure to meet at least one new person before you leave for the night.
- You get 10 bonus points if you do this one step… Make plans to hang out with one of the people you met at the meeting! Before you know it you’ll have a new creative bestie!
Once you leave the meeting, you will realize just how amazing this group really is. I think it’s safe to say, for me, this group has changed my life and, if you allow it to, it can change yours too! Go out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and be YOU! Do this for your business and yourself. You won’t regret it.
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