

Virginia and DC
Wedding Photographer

Corrin Jasinski

Mash Up Monday



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I'm a Virginia wedding photographer I am so glad you are here! Grab some coffee, stay a while! Here you will find a little bit about me, my business, and why I love to do what I do!

Hi, I'm Corrin!


The ultimate wedding day playlist

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU!



Oh boy, today we are starting late! After a busy weekend of sessions and a wedding, my body is still in recovery mode. If you have followed me for a while, you understand what I mean when I say “wedding photography hangover”. For those of you that are new around here, this is what it means…

Wedding Photography Hangover- aches and pains throughout the body after driving hours and standing on your feet for over 8 hours. Headaches are common.

These “hangovers” are worth it though. This weekend I got to photograph an elopement (that I had no idea was going to happen- story tomorrow on the blog), and then I got to second shoot a stunning wedding at Pippin Hill! Pippin is a venue that is “dream venue” for many photographers. Me? Not so much, but it is really beautiful and I loved being able to be a part of this day!

As always, lessons learned/events that have transpired over the past week:

  • We got our last snow of the season this past week, and I finally got to use my neighbors as my models… More on that on Wednesday.
  • I started a new hair care line this week, and it’s crazy how I already see and feel the difference! (It’s called Monat, and I happen to be a Member Partner? So, if you want more info, let me know and I can get stuff for you!)
  • S’mores cookies are THE BEST and so easy to make. Very very bad for you, but so good for the heart!
  • I am on a Vampire Diaries kick lately. Anyone else watch that show a long time ago?

Man, I need a more eventful life haha! Nothing too crazy going on over here, but that’s all going to change soon! (So I’ll take the calm before the storm right now!)

I hope you all have a great day, and stay tuned for two blog posts this week- an elopement and a snow session!


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Dear Brides



The Ultimate

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU! (Not only that, you'll receive my top 3 ceremony tips!)

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