

Virginia and DC
Wedding Photographer

Corrin Jasinski

How My Husband Made Me Cry On Valentine’s Day



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I'm a Virginia wedding photographer I am so glad you are here! Grab some coffee, stay a while! Here you will find a little bit about me, my business, and why I love to do what I do!

Hi, I'm Corrin!


The ultimate wedding day playlist

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU!



Almost three years ago, I moved to Northern Virginia to live with MJ, my boyfriend at the time. We had done long distance for over a year and a half, so we decided to make a big move and live with one another! (It obviously worked out in our favor.) My computer was no longer going to serve as both my TV and my computer in one the smallest and darkest apartments ever. I was about to move into this amazing “adult” home MJ purchased for himself with an actual office (and windows)!

When I moved into his place, my new office was going to be in his drum set room! (Long story short- MJ’s passion in life is playing the drums. He has played for most of his life, and he has a room just for his drum set!) We shortly realized two things… That room has a very weak internet connection and that we never saw one another. I would come home from my day job to then go straight to the office to work on my dream job and then go to bed. Repeat. It was a lot of not seeing one another, so we decided to change things up.

I moved my computer downstairs to the dining table. Yep. Where we eat is where my computer/”office” is located. It’s not a prime spot by any means, but I get better internet connection and I get to see MJ a lot more.

Well, another change happened… I went full time.

When I went full time a couple months ago, I knew I needed to add more balance into my life. AKA not sitting in front of my computer day in and day out. Let’s just say that didn’t happen, and it’s because my “office” is downstairs. You might be saying, “Why not just move it right back upstairs then? Easy solution.” Well, remind you, there is little to no internet connection up there in the office/drum set room, and we all know that this business of mine needs some good internet! So downstairs I sit.

(Story time is almost over I promise!)

Well, change number 3 happened and her name is Lily.

If you don’t know Lily, she is our adorable puppy. She is also my new furry assistant that loves nothing more then to play all day, every day. If you haven’t guessed it, my office is not in the perfect place for a puppy. With the change of me going full time and having a new puppy, I was stressed and overwhelmed and it was taking a tole on not only my business, but my marriage. We knew something had to change.

This is the part you have been waiting for… How MJ made me cry on Valentine’s Day.

I came home from the grocery store to find a gift in my “office” (aka dining room) chair, and once I started reading the card, the tears started trickling down. He had gotten me a router for my actual office. Not only did he get that, he gave me a HomeGoods gift card to decorate, a wall calendar, and a planner because he knows how much I love writing things down. It was perfect and I cried.

I honestly never expected this gift. I thought I would be at this table for a few more months! MJ went above and beyond, and now I’m already working on how I am going to decorate this new space of mine… keep in mind I have to work around a drum set haha. Pinterest here I come!


Any tips or tricks?? Comment below!

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Dear Brides



The Ultimate

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU! (Not only that, you'll receive my top 3 ceremony tips!)

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