

Virginia and DC
Wedding Photographer

Corrin Jasinski

Mash Up Monday: Doggy Addition



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I'm a Virginia wedding photographer I am so glad you are here! Grab some coffee, stay a while! Here you will find a little bit about me, my business, and why I love to do what I do!

Hi, I'm Corrin!


The ultimate wedding day playlist

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU!



Ruff Ruff!

Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t speak dog.  Let me translate, good morning!  As you may have seen from my mom’s (AKA Corrin) instagram, she and my dad (AKA M.J.) have been off jet setting around the globe without me.  That’s right, they left for 5 weeks and didn’t take me, Lily, the world’s best dog. Something about not letting dogs on cruise ships and in hotels, blah, blah, blah.  So, I decided to hijack the blog and do a little dishing on them while they are away.

First, more about me and what I’ve been up to.  To their credit, they did leave me with some pretty cool folks while they are away. First Kristen, Jordan & Maria watched me for a couple days.  That little girl Maria has more energy than me, she wore me out running around the coffee table.  Then I got to spend a week with my new friend Chloe, her cousin Julien (he’s 6 and so fun), and her mom Deonna.  New dog friends are always a plus!  Now, I’m at Nannie & Pops’ house getting spoiled big time! Pops takes me to work every day because he doesn’t want me to have abandonment issues, then Nannie feels so bad after being at work all day she plays with me lots when she gets home.  They take me on lots of walks, play with me in the backyard and throw sticks (my favorite), snuggle with me all the time, let me sleep in the bed with them every night and stay out by myself when they leave because they don’t want me in the crate.

I’m telling you, I’ve got these people wrapped around my paw!

I sure am going to miss all the love, snuggles, and spoiling they have giving me, its been great livin’ my best life here.  But, there is nothing like home and mom and dad.  I can’t wait for them to get back this week.  I figure with the guilty puppy dog eyes I’ll be able to lay on them, I’ve got at least another month or two of spoiling and extra snuggles and loves ahead of me.  I mean come on, look at this face!

As always, lessons learned/events that have transpired over the past 5 weeks:

  • Little kids are so fun because they can keep up with my energy level, the old folks give out too easy
  • Got a pedicure, hated it, but my nails look fab!
  • Nobody can beat me at tug of war – I am the strongest dog alive!
  • At night when Nannie has to do stuff in her office and stops playing with me, all I have to do is start getting into and chewing everything I can find and after about 20 minutes she gets so frustrated she gets off the computer and lays in bed and reads while I snuggle – works like a charm!
  • Going to work is fun when you don’t have to actually work and all the ladies in the office love and play with you all day
  • I’ve gotten to go on site visits with Pops and look at old buildings and the smells, oh the smells!
  • Pinecones & gumballs – love the pinecones & gumballs here.  They are perfect for holding in your mouth while you go on a walk. I even managed to hide a gumball in my mouth after a walk until bed time one night.  I thought they were asleep when I started chewing, but they weren’t and took it away.
  • I got a new crate, bed, toys, and harness – livin’ in style now!
  • Grandparents are the best and if you give them the pitiful puppy look you can get away with just about anything

I almost forgot, the dish on the folks.  Well, dad farts a lot and boy are they stinky, like rotten eggs stinky.  I mean smells are my thing, but man, his are the worst.  And mom, well, she likes to leave piles and piles of clothes and stuff everywhere!  I mean its great for me to rummage and get into, but sometimes its too much.  Hehe, that’s what they get for leaving me alone, but I love them!

That’s it until the next time they travel and I hijack the blog.  Peace out!

Lily the wonder dog!

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Dear Brides



The Ultimate

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU! (Not only that, you'll receive my top 3 ceremony tips!)

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