

Virginia and DC
Wedding Photographer

Corrin Jasinski

Mash Up Monday



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I'm a Virginia wedding photographer I am so glad you are here! Grab some coffee, stay a while! Here you will find a little bit about me, my business, and why I love to do what I do!

Hi, I'm Corrin!


The ultimate wedding day playlist

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU!



It’s officially the second Monday of December, and my holiday check list needs some major work. I am proud to say that MJ and I’s home is officially Christmasfied though, so that’s a step in the right direction. A tad on the late side, but as long as we beat my family’s crazy tradition of getting the tree days (literally) before Christmas, I say we are good! MJ and I could literally stay in our home, turn on only our Christmas tree lights and be content with the world. It is SO relaxing! Anyone else do that?

I also watched Charlie Brown’s Christmas for the first time last night!! I know… How have I gone this long without watching it? I blame my parents haha! I loved it though! Charlie and I are on the same page about Christmas! Between my business and my to do lists and shopping for the perfect gift, I constantly forget about what the true meaning of Christmas is. I never just sit and think about why I am doing all of these things, why this season of life is so special. If you are anything life me and you feel like you are in constant motion… Sit and breathe and think about why you are doing all these things. I promise it will help, and you will begin to feel refreshed and ready to tackle more!


So, I have finally started watching the Girlmore Girls, and I have been watching it pretty religiously… So much so that I think I am slowly morphing into Lorelai Gilmore. Between the increase in coffee intake and sarcastic remarks, I am slowly, but surely turning into her… Watch out world haha! In all seriousness, I do not know how I have waited so long to start this series! I do love not having commercials though!! YAY Netflix!

As always, lessons learned/events that transpired over the past week:

  • MJ and I watch Survivor, and I am so convinced that if MJ competed he would totally win.
  • My HUGE project is coming along so well, and I cannot wait to tell you all more! Look out for a hint on my instagram, sometime soon!!
  • You know how Spring Cleaning is a thing, well I am starting Winter cleaning this week… It’s going to be messy and unorganized and I might get lost in all of the clothes that I need to get rid of, but it will happen!! I plan on selling a lot of it! I’m thinking of starting an Instagram/Poshmark… Any thoughts?
  • Last week I was at the gym for 2 hours… That never happens. My body is exhausted, but I am hopefully going to see results if I keep doing what I need to do! Did I mention that my body is exhausted?
  • We are between two first dance songs right now!! GAH, how do we decide!?

Only two more Monday’s until Christmas!! YAY! I hope you all have an amazing Monday!! Stay tuned for this stunning engagement session, and I’m going to work on a Dear Bride post for this week too!!





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Dear Brides



The Ultimate

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU! (Not only that, you'll receive my top 3 ceremony tips!)

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