Hey there, friends! Happy Monday!! I am starting this morning with my delicious cup of coffee (I splurged and got the real fancy kind… push up hair emoji), and I have my workout clothes on… Now, let’s just see if I actually get to the working out part… I just have to keep reminding myself, “What Would Carrie Underwood Do?”
Anyway, let’s start off with my love/hate relationship with bridal sessions. So, I adore them, absolutely adore them. I have done four just this year, and I still have one more coming up in a few weeks, and I have to say they are some of my best images. Why do I hate them, you ask? Because I cannot share them. I have to patiently wait until after the wedding to show the world the beautiful images of my beautiful brides, and it kills me. My poor brides are forced to talk to me because I spam them with their bridal images and talk about how excited I am about them! I just finished editing this weekend’s bridal session, and, you guys, they are my favorite images of all time. Emily is breathtaking, and I have to wait only a few more weeks until I can show the world!! EEK!
Other than Emily’s beautiful bridal session, I got stuck in traffic (you might have seen that, if you follow me on Instagram), saw some of my family, including my favorite uncle, and edited a whole bunch!! Overall, I believe weekend’s need to be extended at least a day, but if you are a regular Mash Up Monday reader, you know my thoughts on Monday’s and how they shouldn’t exist haha!
The best part of last week was MJ and I’s three date night streak. Summer has been incredible, we had a pretty incredible one at that, but we honestly haven’t had any just us time, so we certainly made up for it this week. We went to trivia at the Alamo (MY FAVORITE PLACE EVER), made a trip over to Alexandria for dinner, and went over to Match Box one night (MY SECOND FAVORITE PLACE EVER). I don’t think I tell him this enough, but, man, do I love him. He is my best friend, and I love doing life with him. This month actually makes it a year of living with each other, so YAY for not wanting to kill each other!
As always, lessons learned/events that transpired over the last week!
- I have TWO HUGE THINGS happen to me this week, but I can’t tell you either because I don’t want to jinx either of them. In time though, I will let you know what is going on!! EEK THOUGH. I’M FREAKING OUT! (In a good way!!)
- Alright, so wedding update: Venue, Photographer, Florist, Planner, Caterer, DJ, and hotels blocked off… DONE. Now, I need to find a hair and makeup artist, what I am doing for invitations, and find a freakin’ dress already!
- I’m starting Pure Barre again!! YAY! Love this place! I can’t afford it all the time, but when they have deals, I am all over it!
- I refereed for the first and last time… I will just leave it at that haha.
- Krissy starts college TODAY! WHAT!? I am so excited for her, and I cannot wait to visit!! (If you are reading this, Krissy, good luck and have an amazing day!! LOVE YOU!)
Well that’s about it for today’s Mash Up! Since I can’t share any of the images that I took this weekend, I am going to share two different sessions I did in the Outer Banks! Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you all here next week!!
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