

Virginia and DC
Wedding Photographer

Corrin Jasinski

Mash Up Monday



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I'm a Virginia wedding photographer I am so glad you are here! Grab some coffee, stay a while! Here you will find a little bit about me, my business, and why I love to do what I do!

Hi, I'm Corrin!


The ultimate wedding day playlist

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU!



Practice:  Check.

Omelet:  Check.

Mash Up Monday: Check.

Now onto the never ending check list of things to do today! I’m not sure where Sunday went, but Monday just came strolling on in acting like it owns the place, and, yet again, I was not ready. Waking up for this morning’s field hockey practice was not pretty. (I wore what I was going to wear to practice to bed… I was already expecting a rough morning haha.) I do have to say, practices are so much better when you don’t have to run though! I just get to tell the girls to run (hehe)! Don’t get me wrong sometimes I do run with them because I will always remember my high school coach that ran with us, I respected that she was able to do what she was making us do, but, today, I was not about that life. I am still feeling the wedding pains (feet and thighs), but, man, this weekend’s wedding could not have been more perfect.

Amber and Dan are good friends of MJ and I, and I absolutely loved photographing their wedding day on Saturday. It might have been the hottest day of the year (no joke), but I have never seen bigger smiles and more love between family and friends! More on their wedding on Thursday!

This weekend was filled with amazing food though. GAH, so good. Jack Browns, Bella Luna, homemade ribs, hash brown casserole, and the list goes on. My foodie heart was in a good place.


As always, lessons learned/events that transpired over the last week!

  • I got a brand new pair of shoes FO FREE! (No, not a typo, I typed FO FREE!) Perks to being a coach, I guess! I was (still am) so excited!
  • Wedding dresses are still the worst. I’m really not good at this being a bride thing haha!
  • MY engagement session is planned though, and I am SO ready for that! I’ve had my dress for about a year now… Hehe.
  • Wineries are the best. OH, and wine slushies are the BESTEST. Top favorite thing for sure.
  • A HUGE new project is happening for Corrin Jasinski Photography, and I cannot wait for it to get started so I can tell you all more!! Stay tuned!!

That’s about it for today’s Mash Up Monday!! Enjoy some sneak peeks from Amber and Dan’s stunning wedding, and look out for more throughout the week and on the blog on Thursday!! YAY! Whether you are checking of your to do lists or just hanging by the pool, have an amazing day!!






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Dear Brides



The Ultimate

Are you unsure of what song you should walk down the aisle to? Well, have no fear, this playlist was made for YOU! (Not only that, you'll receive my top 3 ceremony tips!)

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