Hey there, friends! If you read last week’s Mash Up Monday, you know that I was debating keeping this blog series, and after receiving so many texts and messages, I decided to keep it going!
I started this series when I first decided I wanted to take photography to the next level. I knew this series would allow people to get to know me, my life, and my business. Yes, blogging is time consuming and hard, but you make it worth it. Yep, you, the person reading these words right now!
Thank you!
So, let’s get back to what Mash Up Monday is all about… complaining that it’s Monday and telling you about my week and all the things I learned along the way!
On Friday, I left for my hometown, Poquoson! Along the way, I stopped to visit some amazing friends in Richmond and photographed a beautiful maternity session! The rest of the weekend was filled with hanging out with my bestest friend, Kelsey, and spending time with my parents. I may not be feeling to well right now (I’m hopeful it’s just the change in weather), but every minute of this weekend was wonderful.
As always, lessons learned/events that have transpired over the past week:
- Trivia was our jam this past week! We went two nights in a row! (And if you know me, I only go to trivia for the music parts… that’s all I’m good for. That and Disney haha!)
- Valentine’s Day is not MJ and I’s thing, but I do love celebrating the day after. The 15th is when MJ first said I love you to me.
- This comment is in no way trying to brag, but I am super proud of myself and my business right now. I hit my goal for weddings for 2018, and I am even more happy to say that they are all my ideal clients! They are gems and I’m so lucky! (That being said- if you are looking to book in 2018 or 2019, contact me sooner rather then later! The worst feeling in the world is telling a bride I am unavailable on her wedding date!)
- The Olympics! Man, I love watching them! It’s so inspiring! Watched the figure skating last night!!
Oh man, this headache of mine is only getting worse, so I’m going to call it a day with today’s Mash Up Monday! Thank you for tuning in and stay tuned for a beautiful maternity session tomorrow! AND I’m hoping to get my Business Goals of 2018 out this week!
Have a great Monday!
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