Happy Wednesday, brides to be!
To First Look or not to First Look… THAT is the question.
First Looks over the past few years have become a “new tradition” for many couples. What is a first look you ask? Good question. It is where the bride and the groom see each other before the ceremony. “Wait, what?,” you say. Hold up… The groom sees his bride before she walks down the aisle… That’s just unheard of. Well, actually it is very much a thing, and for these reasons below, maybe you’ll understand why I love them so much, and why I am doing a first look on my wedding day.
40% More Portraits
Okay, so weddings are expensive. I HEAR YOU, like it’s crazy. I’m with you, girl. You are making checks out with a whole bunch of zeros to vendors, and this is including your photographer, so don’t you want the most you can get! I know I do!! With a first look, you are getting the bank for your buck (or whatever that saying is)! You get 40% more portraits of you and your new hubby, so you can hang around your home, share with family and friends, and show your future grandchildren.
Enjoy Your Surprise Freely
I’m a crier. I am. I cry at military videos; I cried when Hodar died. I’m a crier. Sad, but true. I knew that I was going to be a hot mess on my wedding day. I knew that I wanted to do most of my happy tears with MJ though, and just with MJ. The first look allowed us to be us for about 5- 10 minutes, and let us enjoy the surprise freely without everyone around! (I was also able to spruce up my makeup after the first look; I wouldn’t have time after the wedding… Real talk.)
Buh, Bye Nerves
Nerves. Those pesky butterflies flying around in your tummy. They are going to be overwhelming on your wedding day. I have been to countless weddings now to see that in person, and the only thing, the only person to relinquish (I know awesome word use) those nerves is your best friend, your soon to be husband. You literally see the weight come off their shoulders, and they are both ready and even more excited to start the ceremony!
Your ONLY Alone Time
I’m going to be completely honest with you. You spend more time with me on your wedding day than your new hubby; it’s a fact. During your wedding day it is so rare to actually get a moment to yourselves, and I don’t think a lot of couples realize that. When my couples choose to do a first look though, they get the opportunity to spend a few minutes to themselves, a few minutes to soak in the fact that they are getting married.
Extend Your Day By 3 Hours
Now this is awesome! First looks allow couples to spend more time with their guests instead of taking photos right after the ceremony. What? Couples get to attend their own cocktail hour? No way? Yes way. Guests from all over come to see you get married, and I know, if I were you, that I would want to be able to spend as much time as I can with them!
How this works… You take all of the bridal party portraits before the ceremony! That cuts at least 30 minutes of photos after the ceremony! Awesome, right!?
Overall, this new tradition has a huge thumbs up in my book. These reasons alone are why MJ and I did a first look on our wedding day!
I know, so much information… If you ever have any questions, please feel free to send an email my way! I am here for you; us brides to be have to stick together!!

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